Saturday, June 2, 2007

Rambling Preamble - My Purpose

The blog will hopefully provide me with a place to express my thoughts and ideas regarding atheism, agnosticism, and religion. My overall purpose is to simply write about things that I find interesting and to help promote atheism and agnosticism (I will probably write about my reasons for wanting to do so in a later post). I am not writing to anybody in particular and, to be honest, I really don’t care if anybody reads this blog. Blogs about the aforementioned topics are “a dime a dozen” as they say – so if you happen to stumble upon my little contribution to the blogosphere then great! Since these subjects really are personal in nature I’m sure that, whoever you are, you have your own beliefs. I believe that, at the end of the day, a person has to come up with their own answers. I pity you if you do not have questions. I can only hope to convey my own personal beliefs to you as a reader. I will consider it “icing on the cake” if you happen to take something from them.

Many readers may find what I write to be offensive. So be it. I make no apologies and I’m really not here to pull any punches. One of the best parts of the Web is that when you come across something offensive (as you inevitably will) you can revert to your previous state of being with a click of the mouse. I welcome any comments that you might have – scathing as they may be. I assure you, my feelings will not be hurt by anything you have to say.

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